Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

Hello guys, I want to tell you about amazing story in this chance. First I want to introduce my self to you, well my name is Intan Nabilah Oktavia you can call me Intan , I from 7-7 class, I was born in Surabaya,17thof October 1997, my hobby are listening music , watch television, and so on, don’t forget add my facebook : intan oktavia , follow my twitter : @ intannab , visit my blog : clazy-membuattopibaret, and look my looklet account :
So ,now I want to tell you about my story at time I will to school at SMP negeri 3 Sidoarjo , now lets begin!!!.. First in my struggle for in order can school in SMP negeri 3 Sidoarjo , I face test for have score for be Junior High School. I feel so very nervous because this summit for my struggle in elementary school. I always pray to Allah I always say “Dear Allah I wish to can study in SMP negeri 3 Sidoarjo “ .Every I pray I always say this word .
Day by day I wait announcement score my test. Finally the day is come . I’m so very afraid. I thought I have bad score , but the reality I have a good score . I so happy because the meaning I have good chance to can school in SMP negeri 3 Sidoarjo . After that I to register to SMP negeri 3 sidoarjo . I look the announcement with internet, I afraid because I there in down position.
And finally I be student SMP negeri 3 Sidoarjo , I so happy because I can realize my dream. There I have many new friend, and have new environment. This is so different with my elementary school environment. Culture in there than is different with culture in my elementary school. The lesson and character the student it’s different. But finally I can adjust with my school environment. By the way, I have story that I arrange for make spirit for us to face reality:


In a village life a family. The families have one son, his name is Tommy. Tommy is a clever boy he has many challenge about English competitions. The other he is a respectful boy. His father is a businessman, and his mother is a house wife. This is a good family.
Once upon time the families have many problem .Until his parent fight together. Since a month ago his parent often fight together because his father have other favorite girl ,his mother jealous with his father ,the other his father seldom go home. Tommy feels so sad look that. He feels so upset with the condition. And him upset with what will be him do.
After he thought, he is decide for go from his home with hidden because his feel broken heart with his parent attitude, the other he thought in there maybe can realize his dream . He broke his saving box. He takes the money his savings. And go from his home. He go to bus stations for go to Jakarta.
But when the driver to stop for to fill solar, Tommy want goes to toilet. But when Tommy exit from toilet, he overdue with the bus. He feels so upset with what will he do. Finally the night he sleeps on garden chair. The tomorrow he get a work waitress. And After his money enough, he goes to Jakarta.
Till in Jakarta he doesn’t has purpose for stay. At him sits in bus stop, he meet with old man. The man say”hi, boy why you here?”.Tommy says” Mr. I’m here because I want to search Inn for couple days”. The man say “where do you come from?”. Tommy say” I from village, by the way what’s your name sir?”. The man say” my name is Ricco, and what’s your name?. Tommy says” my name is Tommy”. The men say” Tommy would you to stay in my home? Because I’m just home alone. Tommy say” of course sir thank you very much “
At Mr. Ricco’s home Tommy looks so happy because finally he get Inn. Mr. Ricco say” Sorry Tommy my home small and bad with bamboo wall”. Tommy say”Oh no problem sir, I say thank you with your kind with me”. Mr. Ricco say“You can sleep here and if you want go to toilet in there”. Tommy say” Okay sir!!!”.
Tommy and Mr. Ricco begin for new life together. Now Tommy school in 12 Junior High School Jakarta.He is 9 grades. The other Tommy and Mr. Ricco struggle for fill all necessary. Tommy work in café as waitress, Mr. Ricco work as gardener in town park. Though Tommy works he always has time for study. So that he is a clever student. His friend often looks down him because he is poor.
At time Mr. Ricco sick. Tommy so upset because he not have many money for invite Mr. Ricco to check up. Till in school his friend Rahman tell him if him representative us English debate competitions in province. Tommy feel so happy because Rahman say if the gift is 1 million and charter . The meaning he can invite Mr. Ricco check up. The competition is today. Tommy so really prepared for this competition .
Tommy feel so nervous. But finally he not nervous again. He look so enormous face it. Until the competitions finish. Tommy and his friend feel so nervous to wait the announcement. When the juries call his group name. he so afraid .and the juries say if Tommy and friend is winner. After that Tommy and friend jump and say” horey!!!”. Tommy be rush go to home for invite Mr. Ricco check up.
But till in home he looks many people in his home . He so upset. He ask one his neighbor” why many people here? “.answer his neighbor” Mr. Ricco is dead “. Hear that Tommy so cry. He feel so sad. Now he struggle alone for fill all necessary. Until he in High School.
After his High School finish he get bea siswa for school in Los Angeles University. And after 3 years his now scholar. And than he get job in Los Angeles. But he miss so much with his country and village. He thought may be he can meet with his parents again.
Till in Soekarno Hattah air port. Rahman pick up him for go to Mr. Ricco’s cemetery. After that he go to his village, but in middle journey Rahman almost hit old woman. Tommy be rush to help the woman. But after look face the woman, Tommy remember this is face his mother, Tommy hug his mother with cry. Tommy ask with his mother about his father,his mother said if his father dead since 3 years ago.And Tommy cry again. His mother invite him for go to his father’s cemetery. Finally Tommy and his mother begin new life in Los Angeles .


Jumat, 05 November 2010

make something: cara mudah membuat topi baret dengan rajutan breie...

make something: cara mudah membuat topi baret dengan rajutan breie...: "huft.... penyebab aku bikin blog ini gara-gara aku kesusahan cari cara buat bikin topi baret rajut dengan cara mudah n' hasilnya juga bagus...."

cara mudah membuat topi baret dengan rajutan breien

penyebab aku bikin blog ini gara-gara aku kesusahan cari cara buat bikin topi baret rajut dengan cara mudah n' hasilnya juga bagus.ya emang siech ada caranya tapi aku binguung banget sama bahasa caranya.(maklum aku belum penah les n' kemampuan merajutku gk begitu bagus ) ya emang siech kebiasan manusia zaman modern sangat komsumtif , "ngapain capek capek buat mending beli", yaudah akhirnya aku beli tapi di hatiku masih ada rasa ganjel keinginan bwt bisa menghasilkan karya . akhir.nx q berikhtiar dan ikhtiarku selama bertaun taun akhiir.nya berhasil .n' aku mw bntuin orang yang bernasib kayak aku
,okay now I want to show you how to knitt topi baret breien ,okay lets go!!

buat lingkaran fleksible/membuat lingkaran rajut ala breien(kalau pengen ada pom pomnya lubang tengah lingkaran buat agak longgar untuk tempat pom-pom).

lanjutkan dengan tusuk ganda( tusuk yang biasa umum di tusukan rajut brein)
hingga permukaan agak lenggak lenggok.

untuk mengatasi lenggak-lenggok permukaan buat 5 buat tusuk ganda dengan cara mengambil benang dengan menusukan jarum rajut ke arah bawah dan tarik benang ke atas.dan setelah 5 buah selesai buat 5 buah dengan mengambil benang cara menusuk keatas.

jika ingin lebih lebar isi satu tempat untuk membuat tusuk ganda dengan 2 buah tusuk ganda,
jika sudah berkelok kelok lakukan tusuk seperti tusuk yang ketiga

jika dirasa lingkaran sudah cukup kurangi tusukan dengan cara tusuk 2 bagian dibelakang tusukan yang sudah anda rajut dan tarik benang (sangkutan yang akan didepan di pengang dengan tangan)hingga ke sangkutan yang paling depan hingga menjadi satu.lakukan terus menerus hingga selesai (di baris akhir tusuk 3 bagian dan jadikan satu hingga selesai ,...

beri elastis agar rapat dan mudah dilonggarkan

 beri pom pom dari benang woll


siap dipakai........

semoga bermanfaat..                                                              
  please comment!!